
With the private and public sectors working together, we can efficiently and economically create safer, less congested roadways, bolster environmental health and promote economic growth.

Supporters Update

"The Ohio Chamber is excited about the additional jobs and infrastructure the National Gateway will create for Ohioans. We are pleased to support CSX and the National Gateway Project."

Andrew E. Doehrel

Ohio Logistics, Mosser Construction, and Comprehensive Development Services join in enthusiastically supporting the $700 million public-private infrastructure project, known as the National Gateway plan, that will create safer, less congested highways, promote economic growth, and improve environmental health. We join Ohio Governor Ted Strickland in supporting this program and the CSX Intermodal Center proposed for Wood County in Ohio because we believe it will create jobs in Ohio and open new markets for firms in our state.

Charles L. Bills, President
Ohio Logistics

John Kovach, President
Development Services

Royce Kohman, President
Mosser Construction

The following organizations and companies support the National Gateway:

OKI Supporter Pacer Rail
Wood County Economic Development Commision Pacer Stacktrain




Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry